Instructions for Reviewer

Here is the instruction for reviewer which he/she must read prior to join RJPLS as a reviewer.

The review process involves a double blind method. The reviewers are requested to complete the review process on time i.e., with in fifteen working days (15) after receive of manuscript from the Editorial Manager. The reviewers should review and make points on quarries raised by them, which the author (s) has to comply logically. They should mail the evaluation report to the Editorial Manager who is assigned to submit the review report to the corresponding author. The reviewer has the complete right to reject the manuscript, or suggest minor/ major modifications to the manuscript. After comply of quarries to the Editorial Manager the manuscript will be consideration for its acceptance and publication or it may be redirected if requires further editing by the author (s) before publication under RJPLS.

Download the instruction to reviewer by clicking below.


Instructions for Reviewers RJPLS
